Students Enjoy lessons in history at the Allison Deaver House

Students Enjoy lessons in history at the Allison Deaver House

Second graders from Pisgah Forest Elementary spent time at the Allison Deaver House last week breaking beans, shelling corn, and learning about what life in Transylvania County was like two hundred years ago.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time," Rebecca Suddeth, Director and Program Coordinator for the Transylvania Heritage Museum, stated. "When Melony Hipps contacted me about bringing the classes to Silvermont and I was unable to get the necessary volunteers, I called Marjorie Lillard, President of the Transylvania County Historical Society, and asked if they'd partner with us to do a program at the Allison Deaver house instead."

Before COVID prevented it, the classes had visited Silvermont, the 1917 Colonial Revival Mansion in downtown Brevard. Those rotations focus on the life of the Silversteen family and the impact Silversteen Industries had on the Transylvania economy. Students learn about leather making and scrip books, table manners and etiquette, and get to sing along with Adelaide Silversteen in the Music Room.

The program at the Allison Deaver House was structured similarly, with small groups of students rotating through various stations. They learned about farm life, chores, cooking, and how much work it took to keep a family clothed. They heard stories, played old-time games, and did a scavenger hunt.

"Our students being able to see and compare how people live now and back then, in our area, was a remarkable experience," said Claire O'Connor.

"The Allison Deaver House is a great little pocket of history, right in our backyard," added Jenny Victory.

"We want to see Pisgah Forest Elementary here again next spring," said Lillard. "And the invitation is open to all other educators; public schools, private schools, homeschoolers and scout groups. Just let us know when you want to come."

"Spring is a great time to visit the Allison Deaver House," Suddeth agreed. "And the fall is a great time to visit Silvermont. Both of these historic properties offer unique experiences all educators should take advantage of."

To schedule a class or student group visit to Silvermont or the Allison Deaver House, contact Rebecca Suddeth at To schedule a personal tour of the Allison Deaver House, visit

If you have space, please use all the photos. If not, please use volunteers and breaking beans. If you use them all, captions aren't necessary except for the volunteer one unless you wish to include them. They are all listed below.  

Volunteer Photo Caption: Bob Snell, Betty Snipes, Jimmy Whitmire, Marjorie Lillard, Susan Breedlove, Jill Chapman, Donna Hooper, Teresa Tyte and Marcy Thompson (not pictured) spent time with each group.

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